PA Youth Voter Law and Policy

Providing for voter registration in high schools is required by Pennsylvania and federal law, and is supported by the PA Department of Education, PA Academic Standards, and school districts across the state. 

  • PA Academic Standards for Civics and Government, state that “schools were created to educate children to be useful citizens, loyal to the principles upon which our Republic was founded, and aware of their duties as citizens to maintain those ideals…. The intent of the Code is ‘instilling… their solemn duty and obligation to exercise intelligently their voting privilege….’”

  • Act 35 of 2018 requires school districts to administer an “Assessment of Civic Knowledge” that includes the “rights and responsibilities of citizenship.” PA Department of Education, Pillar 3: Action, supports student voter registration within schools.

  • PA State Law 25 Pa. C.S.A. § 1327 (c)(2) requires voter registration materials be made available to every public school.

  • National Voter Registration Act - Schools must provide Voter Registration as Part of Transition to Adult Life to students with IEPs. Schools may comply with this requirement by providing general school-wide registration programs.